
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Be gentle. It's my first time...

Well, I've gone and done it. I have been asked many times to get a blog going, and like a grumpy old man, I've fought many of you off by brandishing my cane screaming "I won't, ya hear, I WON'T!". The truth is I didn't want to go through the trouble of launching and updating a blog only to watch as the people who've twisted my arm never visited or read it (yep, told ya, I'm grumpy). But that isn't fair to the few of you who genuinely wanted me to share my thoughts on gaming, in particular EVE Online, in a format that would allow you to listen to my rants at your leisure. For you kind hearted readers, old or new, here you are.

But what to write? In my own head, I'm 300 pages into a blog site already and it feels weird to me to be actually picking my starting point. I've decided that it would be best to address just what you can expect from good ol' Coffee Rocks:

1. Gudfite
Gudfite is a web comic I started for fun. Like many people, I often see the players in the massive world of EVE Online in a comical light inside my own head. And in my head a comic strip is born as the events unfold. However, I have the artistic skills of an amputee monkey so I choose to manipulate screenshots in order to tell my story. As I get better using the software, you will see the comic evolve. As of now, I will post Gudfite about once a week. If anyone is actually interested in seeing more of it, I may dedicate more time to it and ramp up its frequency.

2. EVE News
There are already enough bloggers and news sites out there handling EVE's events so I have no intent of being solely on the news. However, often I find myself debating others' viewpoints, propaganda, or mathematics, or have watched as a truly fun story has gone unreported. For that reason, I will occasionally post quick articles and op-ed pieces.

3. Guides
Just like the news, there are plenty of guides to help EVE players out. However, they are constantly aging as the game's mechanics and play style changes with each expansion. I find myself constantly coaching allies and corp members on changes, so it only makes sense to extend that into a post that everyone can see.

4. Everything else
Yes, I love EVE Online. I'm sure I'll blog all the reasons why at some point (we call that foreshadowing here in the writing biz). That said however, I love EVE because I love so many other things that influence it - space, tech, politics, science, people, economics, gaming - all the different components that make a myriad of awesomeness that is EVE. That said, you can expect that I will occasionally talk about things that are not about EVE but I think you'd still find interesting being posted here.

So there you are. I will do my best to keep readers with plenty to read, but don't go crazy when I jump all the time from news to the comic to a guide to talking about WoW (oh gods no, maybe not that one). I hope you are as excited as I truly am because I'm looking forward to where this will lead us.

Thank you,
o7 Coffee Rocks

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