Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New ATXI Poster!

EDIT: Sorry to Erlendur, who pointed out that I spelled his name wrong! I was exhausted when I was adding the captions :P

This is technically the first Gudfite comic! I put it together quickly (about 3 hours) and didn't finish until about 2am. I don't love how it came out, but at that time of night I said "Gud enuff!" and tweeted it. The actual "first" comics I have aren't ready to be published as I'm reformatting them (a nice way of saying that the quality sucks and I'm having to rebuild them).

You might not understand the joke behind this poster unless you were watching the live stream on Twitch TV and heard Rick Spies and Shadoo dropping the word "Absolutely!" every other sentence on the first two weekends. That, or you caught on to the joke via your Twitter feed when myself, CCP employees and others starting the hashtag #absolutely. Rick Spies finally got let in on the joke and you can see him physically stopping himself from saying it now.

\o/ Coffee


  1. Looks great so far. I look forward to moar Coffee table reading. o77

    1. I have two more done, I'm just not in love with the graphics. But rebuilding them from scratch hit a snag when I deleted the rebuilds on accident just the other day /facedesk.

      I think I'll just post them up as they are, and focus on keeping the future ones better (graphically speaking). I have about a dozen in the soup, and enjoy making them, so they'll be plenty more coming!
