
Friday, March 28, 2014

Brave Voices

It's tough to take a stance on a sensitive issue. I knew the moment I said a single word that I'd come under a wee bit of fire. I knew that if I was going to open the door, I'd have to be prepared to defend my position with friends and foes alike. For instance, I like Funky Bacon and follow him on Twitter. That said, he and I heavily traded blows on the topic of Erotica 1. Trust me, I cringed every time I argued with someone on this because I absolutely understood where they were coming from (well, except the trolls).

Hell, we're all human: most of us don't want to look stupid, or be made fun of, or be told we're wrong. When the subject itself extends from an accepted, although somewhat ugly topic with a contentious past (like scamming does), it makes it that much harder to have a clear discussion. Therefore, most want to just stay out of it because you know it'll only make you a target for the very aggressive members of the other camp and others will want drag you down into the rabbit holes. So, for those of you that took the time to stand up and say "You know what, regardless of what crap I get, I think this is wrong and I need to say it," I applaud you. I've been a bit surprised by who has come out to speak on this, including CSM8 (and CSM9 candidate) Mynnna and several other GSF members (who claim Erotica1 was kicked from Goons long ago for being 'too creepy') who linked several forum posts from Erotica1 from his short run in the GSF forums to back up their claims, to over 400 other EVE members.

I wanted to post a list here; one I've already started on the Threadnaught. Truth be told, it was easy for me to find the "Nothing's wrong here; move along" blog posts - those were shoved back in my face. So, I went and did a very quick look across the blog scene to see what others thought and if any were of my opinion on this. Man, I was shocked at how many have already chosen to say something. Good for you folks 7o

Please, until CCP weighs in on this, I'd like to start a running list so people new to the discussion can find people's thoughts fast. Send me any you think should be here:

Neutral News Sources
CCP Response: An Announcement Regarding Real Life Harassment
Cap Stable: A Discussion on Erotica 1
Massively: Cyberbullying in EVE Online 
EVE Uni: Forum Discussion

Stance: This is bad / Ban! / Changes needed
Neville Smit: Big Fish, Little Fish
The Daily Scope: Anslo Rage: Where's This Sandbox Going!?
EVE Plex: Sociopath Callout: Erotica 1
The Coffee Rocks: The Airlock
Jester's Trek: The Bonus Round
Align to Ramble: Sociopaths In Space
Warp To 0: Slippery Slopes
Mabrik's Mumblings: It's a Discussion the Gaming Community Needs to Have
** Follow up: Cyber Bullying...
EVE Industrialist: EVE (EVil Entities)
Hardcore Casual: Too Much tolerance
Foo's EVE Musings: The incident in a certain room
Sans Titre: Why it's probably a good idea to be nice..

Stance: Indifferent / Staying out of it! / It was bad, but don't change nothin'
EVOganda: Turns out Jita was a Lie!
@GamerChick42: Bad People
Bits of Bacon, Spaceships and Serious Business: EVE-il Online and the Incredibly Silly Mr. Teg
Brave Stalker: Erotica1

Stance: This is great! / Erotica1 is my hero!
Erotica1's Bonus Room: The original (that sparked this debate)
Erotica1's Bonus Room: Follow up with Sohkar

Stance: ???
Greedy Goblin: Difference between a prank and a bully

I'll send this out across Twitter, but please, feel free to send me any others you feel should be listed here!

Note: I chose the column placement for many. If you want moved, let me know!


  1. <- This one is for Stance: This is great! / Erotica1 is my hero! It's the alledged victim saying riptar is an asshole that didn't even consult me before going on his crusade against a good guy and he isn't a victim at all.


    1. Never thought of it: added. Propaganda and damage control in my eyes, but added. /eyeroll


  3. Are you including goonfleet posts I was told to write to embarrass myself and give them ammunition? If only you knew the whole story with that and why Mynnna took such an active role in any thread I made.
