Wow, it's been a wee bit longer since I've written a post than I actually thought. Time has a way of slipping away from you, I suppose. I think about this blog often, but mostly it's in relation to the reasons I haven't updated it. What I mean is, instead of thinking "Oh, I need to write a post", I mean "I really need to write THAT post on WHY I'm not updating it."
Well, this is that post.
First though, I'll do a quick capture on what's happened since I last wrote a post. Let's see, there's the
Somer Blink scandal, Rubicon launch, the Halloween War and the
battle of B-R5RB,
PLEX for Good (I did manage a
quick post for that), changes to the scanner and warp speeds, ship re-balances, and, well, too many other things to even begin to catch up on. Instead, I'll focus on the BIG one that effects my little world the most.
Starting back in December 2013 my corp at the time (an Industrial, Markets, & Small Gang PVP-minded corp) was re-rolled into
Thrall Nation (.THN.). Thrall Nation was created for one purpose: to join the alliance of the
Brave Collective (link to latest Alliance interview), home of Brave Newbies Inc. (BNI).
Thrall Nation [.THN.] was born. |
Naturally, most of you have me figured out well enough to know that this was not a snap decision because, well, Coffee doesn't make snap decisions. I prefer "the long play" on big plans and I always weigh the situations before us as best as I can. To that end, I stuck an alt into BNI early last fall. My intent was to spy, but only in the most positive of ways.
At the very least I would gather intel that would be mutually beneficial to both parties: market and trade data on what we could leverage during BNI staging, ops, and deployments for Thrall member profit. Of course,
at the very best was what ended up happening: If the BNI culture was as good as what I'd heard, we might just say "
Hell with this, let's just join with them".
7o indeed, good sir. |
It really was as good as you've heard. But, I digress, that story
deserves a post of its own.
So, with all that fun stuff going on, why haven't I kept up on the blogging? Well, partially the move to BRAVE is to blame. As CEO, it's very important to me to be an active leader. With the Corp's move and reorganization, combined with BRAVE's Winter War in Syndicate and the subsequent Burn Catch campaign we are currently in, I typically use up any free time in the game itself. Of course, I'm still attending college (last semester for the AA) and working part time. Plus, you know, the wife wants some time too. I manage to pencil her in every other Tuesday.
But there's a bigger reason than all that. Since last fall, I've known I wanted to move this blog to its own website and expand upon it, so I held off on new blogs and spent that time working on it. Nothing too fancy, but a site where I can also provide informational pieces, guides, and other snippets of information for the player base. There's already fantastic EVE websites and informative blogs out there that I use such as
The Mittani,
EVE News 24,
EVE University,
Jester's Trek, and many more. But they can't cover everything in a game as complex as EVE. I don't plan on covering everything, either, but I did plan on posting what's important to me from the get go. After I was settled in and comfortable with the site, I planned on expanding in areas I feel are worth my time or interest. Notice I'm using past tense here when I speak of my plans? Yah, about that.
Soon.... |
A long, long time ago when I was about 14 (around the summer of 1995 if memory serves me), I taught myself HTML and Javascript using our household computer. I used that knowledge to build a couple of Geocities sites and eventually my own website, and even garnered a little advertising revenue at the time. My mother thought I would be the next big computer genius and told me to keep at it. Moms are funny that way. Fast forward 19 years, and here I am trying to hammer out a website using HTML and Javascript because, well, that's where my learning stopped. Listen to your parents, kids, their advice will save you headaches later in life.
Those of you that know a thing or two about website development are currently shaking your head saying "You poor dumb bastard". It's true - both on the 'poor' and 'dumb' parts. For those that don't know, computer languages and website development have, well,
evolved just a little in 19 freaking years time. I figured I could teach myself what I needed to know just like I did all those years ago. That last sentence has those same web devs now laughing their asses off, but I really thought I could. And, for a brief moment there, I did. I learned CSS! MY GOD, CSS IS BLESSED MAGIC SENT FROM UP HIGH!! Good job Coffee - you are now in 1996, you moron.
After learning CSS and playing with it, I moved on. For a couple of months I tried to figure out what these newfangled "databases" were, and this futuristic "PHP" and whatnots, and this "Python" or snake or cobra-kai or whatever the hell these darned kids call it these days. Yah.... it was like smacking face first into a big freaking brick wall. Damnit, I better call Mom and admit she was right about one thing - I should have stuck with it back then. I hate calling her to tell her she was right about something. It keeps happening the older I get, too.
I finally called a buddy of mine that owns his own web dev company and got his honest advice. He knows me well enough to know that a) I don't ask for anything for free, so I wasn't calling to ask him that and b) I have no money to pay for someone to do it for me, so this phone call wasn't that either. After discussing particulars, he pinged me pretty quick on some other stuff and left me with some solid advice on how to proceed. He's confident I can get it done with what he told me. I wish I had his confidence in me, but I'm too stubborn to quit now. So, in the mean time I'm going to keep the occasional post here while working on the site. I promise you - it will be done, AS
Sigh. Time to get back at it.